SIDA 2023: Reach For The Stars

Celebrating the Best and Brightest in Design

SIDA 2023 Banner, Design Authority

The distinguished Singapore Interior Design Awards (SIDA), a cornerstone event that spotlights the crème de la crème of interior design, makes its anticipated return in 2023. Orchestrated by the esteemed Society of Interior Designers, Singapore (SIDS), SIDA is esteemed as one of the paramount interior design accolades across the Asia Pacific domain. Each year, the award is a beacon attracting nearly 700 ambitious entries from trailblazing talents.

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SIDA 1, Design Authority
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For its 7th edition, SIDA illuminates a theme that underpins the unyielding pursuit of design excellence within the industry: “Reach for the Stars”. This encapsulates the indefatigable ambition, hopeful vision and indomitable drive of each entrant to set a personal pinnacle, to innovate and make an indelible impression in the design sphere.
Brandon Fee, the Co-Chairperson for SIDA 2023, passionately articulates: “SIDA epitomised the designer’s perseverance, tenacity, creativity, labour of love, and dedication to their craft. Through SIDA, we celebrate those spirits and share an intimate part of the designers. Revealing the finest our profession has to offer.”
In homage to the exemplary feats in the realm of interior design, SIDA 2023 will debut seven new awards:
1. Designers of the Year: To recognise designers who consistently deliver projects of the utmost design excellence.

2. Young Designers of the Year: A tribute to the rising stars in the design industry, this award empowers and recognises the burgeoning talents.

3. Design of the Year: A distinction reserved for the one design that sets a precedent and leaves a long-lasting impact on the industry.

4. Best in Academic Design: To not only recognise, but also raise awareness of design initiatives that positively impact social causes and contribute to the betterment of the community’s overall welfare.

5. Design Educators of the Year: A salute to the essential contribution of educators in moulding the aptitude and skills of the next generation of designers.

6. Best in Healthcare Design: To recognise excellent designs that improve the healthcare industry’s standards and elevate the quality of patient care and employee working conditions.

7. Admira Innovative & Sustainability Award: A recognition to promote sustainable materials and methods through creative and sustainable design practices.
The award winners will not only inspire others but also champion higher standards of design, fostering advancements in the industry and beyond. SIDA 2023 promises to be a transformative occasion that celebrates exceptional design, unveiling the innovative prowess and artistic brilliance of interior designers from around the globe.
Reflecting on the collective journey, Mike Lim (Best of the Best & Lifetime Achievement) extends his heartfelt gratitude, “Getting to where I am today would not be possible without the pioneers who laid the groundwork for our work, many of whom are seated here. Thank you very much.”
SIDA 2023 invites you to aim for the stars, providing an open canvas for both burgeoning designers and seasoned industry veterans. The awards stand as a testament to the industry’s dedication to constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation in pursuit of design superiority.
The gateway to participate in SIDA 2023 opens on May 11, 2023, at 00:00.


About SIDA

Organised by the Society of Interior Designers, Singapore (SIDS), the Singapore Interior Design Awards (SIDA) is the most established interior design awards in the country participated by ID professionals from across the globe. Established in 2017, the awards recognise the best of the best in the region’s designers. With close to 700 entries received annually, SIDA is also one of the most intensely contested awards in Asia Pacific making every winner an outstanding performer showcasing the highest in design excellence.

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