A Harmonious Union of Urban Living & Eclectic Elegance

Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 1, Design Authority

In the pulsing heart of Singapore’s dynamic cityscape, where every square foot is a coveted luxury, Jersey Lodge emerges as a beacon of innovative design and sophisticated living. The challenge for Black N White Haus was formidable yet exhilarating—melding two distinct apartments into one expansive 2,500 square foot haven of eclectic loft style. Their vision was clear: to forge an environment that resonates with both energetic vibrancy and peaceful tranquility, setting a new benchmark for luxury living in the family home.

The inspiration behind Jersey Lodge was born from the unique challenge of merging two distinct spaces into one harmonious environment. The designers at Black N White Haus envisioned a layout that embraced openness while accommodating multifunctional rooms tailored to the clients’ active lifestyle. At the center of this architectural marvel lies an open concept kitchen, characterized by a lengthy island worktop and surrounded by extensive storage solutions, including a neatly tucked away laundry and storeroom. Adjacent to this culinary haven, an activity room blooms as a playful retreat for children, promising endless hours of joy and creativity. Nearby, a dual-purpose study cum office space offers tranquility for adults, blending the comforts of home with the demands of a modern soho workspace.

In collaboration with the clients, Black N White Haus orchestrated an open layout that perfectly balances interaction with functionality. The dining area, strategically positioned to overlook the kitchen, invites guests to partake in the culinary process, cultivating a warm, inviting atmosphere where conversations flow as freely as the chef’s creations. This design encourages a seamless blend of socializing and dining, transforming every meal a centerpiece of communal joy and aesthetic delight.

Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 2, Design Authority

The designers’ personal favorite, the activity room, stands as a paragon of flexibility, effortlessly transitioning from a children’s play area to an adult’s social space without compromising the experience of either group. This versatile and vibrant room embodies the essence of the project: it is adaptable yet unmistakably distinct. Here, functionality meets flair, creating a dynamic space that supports a spectrum of activities and moods, all while maintaining a seamless and cohesive design aesthetic.

A hallmark of the Jersey Lodge is its striking black-framed collapsible lattice door, which dramatically enhances the flow between the activity room and its adjacent spaces. This architectural feature is perfectly paired with the bold Arte wallpaper, serving as a vibrant focal point that reflects the family’s dynamic energy and discerning stylistic tastes.

Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 9, Design Authority

Navigating the transformation’s paramount challenge—seamlessly blending functionality for diverse activities with aesthetic allure—was no small feat. This imperative led to the strategic conception of the West wing, a brilliantly orchestrated space where dining, cooking, leisure, work, and physical fitness are woven into a seamless tapestry of daily life. Here, each area transitions effortlessly into the next, maintaining an elegant flow that supports both energetic gatherings and quiet personal pursuits. In contrast, the bedrooms are designed as tranquil retreats, thoughtfully secluded from the home’s social spaces to ensure a serene escape within this vibrant urban canvas.

Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 5, Design Authority

The selection of materials and colors thoughtfully echoes the home’s eclectic ethos, showcasing a palette predominantly in beige and white, starkly contrasted with the rich, evergreen tones of walnut wood. This sophisticated choice does more than merely brighten the space—it infuses it with a timeless elegance that beautifully harmonizes with the diverse thematic elements, weaving a visual narrative that is both cohesive and strikingly distinct. Reflecting on the project, the team at Black N White Haus recognized the potential to infuse more boldness into the living areas. This insight is earmarked for future endeavors, aiming to elevate the presence of color and materiality to enrich the living experience further.

Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 4, Design Authority

As Jersey Lodge stands today, it is more than just a functional abode; it is a beacon of future design trends. The residence showcases an eclectic theme that masterfully blends various styles and decor, setting a precedent for modern living environments. This approach encourages a mix-and-match methodology, appealing to those who appreciate diversity and personal expression within their living spaces. At Jersey Lodge, every corner unveils a story of discovery, each room a vibrant chapter of life lived to its fullest. Here, functionality seamlessly merges with artistry, meticulously crafted by Black N White Haus. The eclectic theme is not merely a stylistic choice but a visionary movement that is shaping the future of interior design, making Jersey Lodge a quintessential example of innovation in living space.

Explore the possibilities for your home with Black N White Haus

Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 1, Design Authority
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 2, Design Authority
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 9, Design Authority
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 8, Design Authority
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 5, Design Authority
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 4, Design Authority
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 6, Design Authority
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 3, Design Authority
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 7, Design Authority
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 1
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 2
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 9
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 8
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 5
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 4
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 6
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 3
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 7
Svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyB3aWR0aD0iMzIiIGhlaWdodD0iMzIiIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCAzMiAzMiIgeG1sbnM9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzIwMDAvc3ZnIj4KICAgIDxwYXRoIGQ9Ik0xMS40MzMgMTUuOTkyTDIyLjY5IDUuNzEyYy4zOTMtLjM5LjM5My0xLjAzIDAtMS40Mi0uMzkzLS4zOS0xLjAzLS4zOS0xLjQyMyAwbC0xMS45OCAxMC45NGMtLjIxLjIxLS4zLjQ5LS4yODUuNzYtLjAxNS4yOC4wNzUuNTYuMjg0Ljc3bDExLjk4IDEwLjk0Yy4zOTMuMzkgMS4wMy4zOSAxLjQyNCAwIC4zOTMtLjQuMzkzLTEuMDMgMC0xLjQybC0xMS4yNTctMTAuMjkiCiAgICAgICAgICBmaWxsPSIjZmZmZmZmIiBvcGFjaXR5PSIwLjgiIGZpbGwtcnVsZT0iZXZlbm9kZCIvPgo8L3N2Zz4=, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 1, Design Authority
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 2, Design Authority
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 9, Design Authority
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 8, Design Authority
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 5, Design Authority
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 4, Design Authority
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 6, Design Authority
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 3, Design Authority
Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 7, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority
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