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2 PTang Studio Altissimo, Design Authority
2024 10 14 21 15 21 Our Projects – Project J Studio, Design Authority
2024 10 14 21 15 57 Our Projects – Project J Studio, Design Authority
10 PTang Studio Altissimo, Design Authority
2024 10 14 21 17 26 Our Projects – Project J Studio, Design Authority
Rubiks Studio Arch House JC Ville 1, Design Authority
2024 10 26 12 23 02 Living 2 2.jpg   Houses Individual Title Theme, Design Authority
Modern Luxe @ Reflections EP, Design Authority
Berwick Drive 01 Scaled 1, Design Authority
Bespoke @ Amber Gardens RB, Design Authority
French Vie Habitat @ Punggol, Design Authority
Modern Luxe @ Tampines, Design Authority
Modern Luxe @ Bukit Batok, Design Authority
ADD LANDED, Design Authority
Iplan1, Design Authority
Modern Luxe @ ARTRA, Design Authority
Modern Luxe @ Alana MSS, Design Authority
Scandi Mid Century Modern At Ardmore Park MSS, Design Authority
Modern Luxe Treasure @ Tampines MSS, Design Authority
Urban Modern @ Lengkong Empat ER, Design Authority
Modern Chic @ East Coast BW, Design Authority
Bespoke @ Courtyard, Design Authority
2024-10-14 21_15_21-Our Projects – Project J Studio
2024-10-14 21_15_57-Our Projects – Project J Studio
2024-10-14 21_17_26-Our Projects – Project J Studio
2024-10-26 12_23_02-Living 2_2.jpg _ Houses (Individual) (Title, Theme)
Modern Luxe @ Reflections EP
Bespoke @ Amber Gardens (RB)
French Vie Habitat @ Punggol
Modern Luxe @ Tampines
Modern Luxe @ Bukit Batok
Modern Luxe @ ARTRA
Modern Luxe @ Alana MSS
Scandi & Mid-Century Modern at Ardmore Park MSS
Modern Luxe Treasure @ Tampines MSS
Urban Modern @ Lengkong Empat ER
Modern Chic @ East Coast BW
Bespoke @ Courtyard
Svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyB3aWR0aD0iMzIiIGhlaWdodD0iMzIiIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCAzMiAzMiIgeG1sbnM9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzIwMDAvc3ZnIj4KICAgIDxwYXRoIGQ9Ik0xMS40MzMgMTUuOTkyTDIyLjY5IDUuNzEyYy4zOTMtLjM5LjM5My0xLjAzIDAtMS40Mi0uMzkzLS4zOS0xLjAzLS4zOS0xLjQyMyAwbC0xMS45OCAxMC45NGMtLjIxLjIxLS4zLjQ5LS4yODUuNzYtLjAxNS4yOC4wNzUuNTYuMjg0Ljc3bDExLjk4IDEwLjk0Yy4zOTMuMzkgMS4wMy4zOSAxLjQyNCAwIC4zOTMtLjQuMzkzLTEuMDMgMC0xLjQybC0xMS4yNTctMTAuMjkiCiAgICAgICAgICBmaWxsPSIjZmZmZmZmIiBvcGFjaXR5PSIwLjgiIGZpbGwtcnVsZT0iZXZlbm9kZCIvPgo8L3N2Zz4=, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyB3aWR0aD0iMzIiIGhlaWdodD0iMzIiIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCAzMiAzMiIgeG1sbnM9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzIwMDAvc3ZnIj4KICAgIDxwYXRoIGQ9Ik0xMC43MjIgNC4yOTNjLS4zOTQtLjM5LTEuMDMyLS4zOS0xLjQyNyAwLS4zOTMuMzktLjM5MyAxLjAzIDAgMS40MmwxMS4yODMgMTAuMjgtMTEuMjgzIDEwLjI5Yy0uMzkzLjM5LS4zOTMgMS4wMiAwIDEuNDIuMzk1LjM5IDEuMDMzLjM5IDEuNDI3IDBsMTIuMDA3LTEwLjk0Yy4yMS0uMjEuMy0uNDkuMjg0LS43Ny4wMTQtLjI3LS4wNzYtLjU1LS4yODYtLjc2TDEwLjcyIDQuMjkzeiIKICAgICAgICAgIGZpbGw9IiNmZmZmZmYiIG9wYWNpdHk9IjAuOCIgZmlsbC1ydWxlPSJldmVub2RkIi8+Cjwvc3ZnPg==, Design Authority
2 PTang Studio Altissimo, Design Authority
2024 10 14 21 15 21 Our Projects – Project J Studio, Design Authority
2024 10 14 21 15 57 Our Projects – Project J Studio, Design Authority
10 PTang Studio Altissimo, Design Authority
2024 10 14 21 17 26 Our Projects – Project J Studio, Design Authority
Rubiks Studio Arch House JC Ville 1, Design Authority
2024 10 26 12 23 02 Living 2 2.jpg   Houses Individual Title Theme, Design Authority
Modern Luxe @ Reflections EP, Design Authority
Berwick Drive 01 Scaled 1, Design Authority
Bespoke @ Amber Gardens RB, Design Authority
French Vie Habitat @ Punggol, Design Authority
Modern Luxe @ Tampines, Design Authority
Modern Luxe @ Bukit Batok, Design Authority
ADD LANDED, Design Authority
Iplan1, Design Authority
Modern Luxe @ ARTRA, Design Authority
Modern Luxe @ Alana MSS, Design Authority
Scandi Mid Century Modern At Ardmore Park MSS, Design Authority
Modern Luxe Treasure @ Tampines MSS, Design Authority
Urban Modern @ Lengkong Empat ER, Design Authority
Modern Chic @ East Coast BW, Design Authority
Bespoke @ Courtyard, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority
Cross Studio Valley Park 6, Design Authority

A Harmonious Meld of Heritage & Modernity @ Valley Park by Cross Studio

In the historic corridors of Valley Park, Cross Studio has masterfully redefined a space where tradition meets contemporary elegance, setting a new standard in residential design. The project, nestled within a 1997-built unit, embraced its original marble floors, rich with the patina of time, as the cornerstone of a narrative that skillfully intertwines old-world charm with modern sophistication.

K2SD Oak House Living Hall 4, Design Authority

Artistic Spaces with the Timelessness of Oak by K2SD Group

In the world of interior design, the choice of materials is as much about storytelling as it is about functionality. The right material can shape not just the space but also the experience of living within it. This philosophy comes to life in K2SD Group’s latest project—a tranquil sanctuary in the heart of Singapore, meticulously sculpted entirely from one singular material: oak wood.

Project J Studio Landed Interior Design Level 1 Dining Bar Area , Design Authority

Elegance Reimagined in Modern Minimalist Living — by Project J Studio

In the realm of interior design, landed homes present a unique canvas—a rare opportunity to sculpt space not just within walls, but within the vast potential of privacy and exclusivity that only these properties can offer. At the heart of this concept, the latest residential creation by Project J Studio emerges as a beacon of modern minimalism intertwined with functional sophistication…

Genesis By Olivia Collins, Design Authority

The Poetry, Purpose & Privilege of Painting — Olivia Collins

Olivia Collins began her artistic odyssey in a humble garage, brush in hand, as local craft markets became the showcase for her burgeoning talent. From these modest Australian beginnings, she has risen to craft a globally celebrated brand. Her paintings—rich tapestries of sustainable luxury and elegant aesthetics—reinterpret natural landscapes, ushering in a new age of contemporary…

SHE Interior Landed Home Interior Design 4, Design Authority

Where Rustic Elegance Meets Modern Sophistication — by SHE Interior

In the nuanced world of interior design, landed homes offer a unique opportunity to weave personal narratives into expansive canvases. At Jalan Pari Dedap, SHE Interior has masterfully seized this opportunity, elevating a spacious residence into a sanctuary that epitomizes both understated luxury and organic allure. Drawing inspiration from the mystical ambiance of LUX* Shangri-La and the…

Le Interior Affairs Showroom 1, Design Authority

The Mastery of Space & Style at Le Interior Affairs

​Designing an interior design showroom that not only inspires but also practically demonstrates how diverse styles can transform everyday living is a formidable task. Le Interior Affairs rises to this occasion with aplomb in its current showroom, nestled in the vibrant heart of the city. Here, the blending of Wabi-Sabi with Brutalism creates a stunning tableau that does more than display…

Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 5, Design Authority

The Artful Convergence of Timeless Aesthetics & Modern Sustainable Living by Le Interior Affairs

In the vibrant heart of the city, the dynamic team at Le Interior Affairs has unveiled a paradigm of modern living with their latest project at Jiak Kim Street. This venture embarks on a sophisticated journey that seamlessly merges aesthetic elegance with pragmatic design, serving as a brilliant testament to how…

Erstudio Mount Faber Road 7, Design Authority

Harmonizing Heritage with Modernity at Mt. Faber by erstudio

Mount Faber, ensconced in the verdant heart of Singapore, boasts breathtaking city vistas that form the perfect canvas for a 2,000-square-foot resale condominium designed by erstudio. Tailored for a family of four and their helper, the residence is a masterful interplay of heritage and modernity. Here, timeless design…

Black N White Haus Jersey Lodge 1, Design Authority

A Harmonious Union of Urban Living & Eclectic Elegance by Black N White Haus

In the pulsing heart of Singapore’s dynamic cityscape, where every square foot is a coveted luxury, Jersey Lodge emerges as a beacon of innovative design and sophisticated living. The challenge for Black N White Haus was formidable yet exhilarating—melding two distinct apartments into one expansive 2,500 sqft…

Lifestyle  MELTIX By Hands Carpets, Design Authority

The Rare Beauty of Opposites: Antonym by Hands

With a distinguished 143-year-old legacy in carpetmaking, and having woven for some of the world’s most prestigious palaces, luxury hotels, and residences, Hands is celebrated the world over for its luxury handcraftsmanship. Each season, Hands unveils…

Edgeline Planners Courtyard At Clementi 3, Design Authority

The Alchemy of Modern Design and Sustainable Living

In a stunning display of contemporary elegance and practical design, the Clementi semi-detached house emerges as a prime example of how modern living spaces can be both luxurious and functionally sophisticated. Behind this 3,600 square foot…

She Interior Water Place Condo 13, Design Authority

A Design Fusion of Nordic Whisper & Japanese Calm

In the serene ambiance of Water Place Condominium, a breathtaking vision of interior design unfolds, meticulously crafted by the creative luminaries at SHE Interior. This project is an ode to the serene expanses of the Nordic landscapes, whispering of…

Rubiks Studio Lorong Mydin 5, Design Authority

Creative Confluence of Modern & Rustic @ Lorong Mydin

Nestled in the tranquil neighborhood of Lorong Mydin, a inter-terrace residence emerges as a paradigm of design innovation. Conceived by Rubiks Studio, this home is a masterclass in balancing divergent aesthetics, merging the crisp, clean lines of modern design with the rustic charm of farmhouse details into a seamless living environment.

A Delightful Meld Of Elegance Heritage @ Jalan Pari Dedap, Design Authority

A Delightful Meld of Elegance & Heritage @ Jalan Pari Dedap

Nestled in the heart of Singapore, ArtDecor Design Studio unveils its latest triumph—a 4-storey landed residence where elegance meets heritage, crafting a narrative of bespoke luxury and cultural charm. The front yard serves as the home’s elegant introduction, with meticulously chosen landscaping and custom design features that enhance both its aesthetic and welcoming…

ARRCC ZA PARAMA, Design Authority

The Refined Minimalism of a Cape Town Art Haven

Located in the vibrant artistic quarter of Cape Town, this luxurious pied-à-terre serves as both a sanctuary and a canvas for the owner’s prized collection of South African and African art. Nestled just steps from the bustling V&A Waterfront’s Silo Precinct and the iconic Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa, the apartment melds cultural vibrancy with serene, introspective retreat.

A Symphony Of Modern Elegance Art Deco Grace, Design Authority

A Symphony of Modern Elegance & Art Deco Grace by SAOTA, ARRCC & OKHA

Every visionary design begins with a narrative of inspiration, innovation, and artistic mastery. The South Villa project, conceptualized by the esteemed teams at SAOTA, ARRCC, and OKHA, embodies this journey, merging 1930s Hollywood glamor with contemporary design elements to forge an environment of understated luxury and inviting warmth.

The Founders Room By Stickman Tribe, Design Authority

Elevating Epicurean Spaces with Artful Design by Stickman Tribe

In the realm of hospitality design, the creation of an atmosphere that captivates and comforts is paramount. Within the Ritz-Carlton Hotel & Residences in Amman, Jordan, Stickman Tribe, helmed by design extraordinaire, Marcos Cain, has excelled in this, orchestrating three distinct dining experiences: Ambros, The Founder’s Room, and Roberto’s. 

Wells Home Cafe, Design Authority

Brewing Capsule Coffee and Tea with the Wells Home Café

In an era where the confluence of technology and design shapes our daily rituals, the Wells Home Café emerges as a beacon of modernity and sophistication in the realm of home beverages. Envisioned by the avant-garde minds at Wells, this tea and coffee capsule machine stands as a testament to the seamless blend of form and functionality. 

Wells The One, Design Authority

Beyond Design: The Artistic Technological Revolution in Your Kitchen

In the realm of modern living, where design transcends mere aesthetics to embody functionality, the kitchen emerges as a canvas of innovation and style. At the vanguard of this evolution stands Wells, a brand synonymous with pioneering home appliances that don’t just complement but elevate the modern kitchen’s ambiance and our lifestyle. 

Dori Hitti Architects12, Design Authority

A Masterful Meld of Art & Architecture of a Timeless Urban Masterpiece

Crafted with unparalleled creativity and precision by the visionary Dori Hitti Architects, this resplendent abode is nestled in the heart of the pulsating City Walk district. It’s more than just a place to reside; it’s a celebration of exquisite taste, a testament to the fusion of art and architecture. Every inch of this penthouse is…

Metamorph Design 1, Design Authority

Elegance Redefined in a Modern Family Oasis by Metamorph Design

Nestled in the tranquil street of Lengkong Ampat, Metamorph Design has sculpted a residence that is more than just a home; it’s a narrative of architectural elegance and bespoke luxury. This project, involving the full rebuild of a pair of semi-detached homes, was a symphony of collaboration and creativity…

Nanas Design 1, Design Authority

Harmonizing Diversity with a Tapestry of Styles by Nanas Design

In the tranquil heart of a vast estate, Nanas Design embarked on a journey that transcended mere renovation to become an artistic metamorphosis. Their endeavour was to create a living space that not only met the varied desires and necessities of a large family but also mirrored their distinct personalities. Occupying an…

Healthcare Clinic Interior Design Nanas Design 6, Design Authority

The Artistic Transformation of An Orthopaedic Clinic

In the heart of Paragon, a bastion of healthcare and luxury, an orthopaedic clinic emerges as a beacon of innovative design and unparalleled care. Conceived by two forward-thinking orthopaedic surgeons, Dr. Chris and Dr. Gavin, Altius Clinic was envisioned to redefine the experience of orthopaedic care, blending exception…

Metamorph Design Angullia Park, Design Authority

The Art of Personalized Luxury @ An Urban Retreat

In the bustling heart of Singapore’s most coveted district, TwentyOne Angullia Park stands as a beacon of luxurious living. Here, Metamorph Design has masterfully orchestrated the transformation of an already opulent apartment, infusing it with a sense of unparalleled elegance and a deep respect for personal…

Neumark Interior Design Nanas Design, Design Authority

Embracing Wellness Through Design @ Neumark

In the dynamic heart of the city, the Neumark Lung & Chest Surgery Centre stands as a beacon of solace and healing. More than a medical facility, it’s a sanctuary where tranquillity and care converge, born from the insightful vision of Dr. Harish Mithiran, a leading thoracic surgeon. Dr. Harish, renowned for his advanced…

YWA Studio De Prestigio Villas, Design Authority

A Lustrous Escape @ De Prestigio Villas by YWA Studio

Situated amid the lush, tropical expanses of Bali, De Prestigio Villas manifest as a sumptuous sanctuary, harmoniously fusing the island’s rich cultural heritage with a serene sense of luxury. This is not merely a residence, but an invitation—a call to those journeying for an authentic Balinese experience steeped in opulent tranquility. As one approaches these villas, an intriguing aura…

DSC04617, Design Authority

Illuminating Elegance: Redefining Spaces with Light with Tokio.

In the realm of modern aesthetics, where design seamlessly melds with art, Tokio. stands as a luminous symbol of innovation and sophistication. More than mere providers of light, they are architects of ambiance, reimagining the very essence of spaces. Drawing inspiration from the precision and heritage of Japanese craftsmanship, and blending it with the vanguard of…

Olivia Collins Artist, Design Authority

An Odyssey of Elegance – Nature Reimagined with Olivia Collins

When it comes to art, there’s an inexplicable allure in pieces that capture the soul-stirring beauty of nature. The perfect artwork isn’t just a splash of colors or a calculated arrangement of forms; it’s a window to ethereal landscapes and sanctuaries that exist both…

Lentor Hills Living Room 02, Design Authority

A Sanctuary of Serenity at Lentor Hills Residences

Tucked away in the luxurious corridors of Lentor Hills Residences, the 2 + Study showflat unit stands as a magnificent testament to YWA’s expertise in crafting spaces that do far more than just shelter. This domicile is an intricately conceived tribute to holistic well-being, seamlessly merging design and essence…

YWA Studio Midtown Bay LIVING ROOM 001, Design Authority

Elysian Abode at Midtown Bay by YWA Studio

Set against the backdrop of the city’s ever-changing skyline, the two-bedroom show unit at Midtown Bay, meticulously crafted by YWA, stands as an epitome of lavish sophistication interwoven with nuanced elegance. This isn’t merely a space where one resides; it is a tranquil retreat that invites you to breathe life…

MVH AIRA Bar Lounge 1, Design Authority

A Luxe Tapestry @ AIRA Lounge & Bar by Designstudio MVH

Envisioned by Designstudio MVH, AIRA Lounge is a blend of decadence and functionality, brought to life as a tranquil sanctuary for both business and pleasure. An exquisite manifestation of Selangor Properties’ quest for an elite dwelling, it is an oasis of high-end living and business facilities, coupled with an exclusive…

Effortless Glamour Innovative Comfort SkeTchwork Design Style, Design Authority

An Exploration of Effortless Glamour & Innovative Comfort

In the lush tapestry of Singapore’s urban landscape, where towering condos often vie for attention against the natural backdrop, one residential gem shines brilliantly—The Lagoon. Dreamt up by Sulini Tjoeng of Sketchwork Design & Style, this 1,670-square-foot sanctuary defies the ordinary. Conceived for…

Modern Luxury In Timeless Harmony Notion Of W, Design Authority

Symphony of Dreams: Crafting Modern Luxury in Timeless Harmony

Nestled in the pulsating heart of Sembawang Hills Estate lies a treasure that effortlessly intertwines the threads of luxury and timelessness – an inter-terrace jewel spanning a lavish 5,500 sqft. This home is more than just bricks and mortar; it’s a living ode to contemporary elegance, carrying the distinctive design hallmark…

Nim Collection Interior Design Notion Of W, Design Authority

A Tapestry of Timeless Elegance & Heritage by Notion of W

Landed properties often hold the promise of dreams taking flight. Such was the case with the revamped Nim Collection abode in the exclusive Seletar Hills landed enclave, an enchanting sanctuary that dances between the modern and the classic, artfully brought to life by the talented duo at Notion of W, Wein & Grace. A realm of intergenerational stories and dreams…

Sims Residences Interior Design Sketchwork Design And Style, Design Authority

A Modernistic Confluence of Function & Aesthetics by SkeTchwork Design & Style

Nestled amidst the heart of Singapore’s bustling District 14 lies an abode that echoes both elegance and innovation, a serene 1980 sqft retreat at Sims Residences. Helmed by the visionary Sulini Tjoeng of SkeTchwork Design & Style, in collaboration with Woodates Carpentry, this project mirrors an artful blend of the homeowner’s desires and contemporary design aesthetics.
Primadonna Elite Fully Automated Coffee Machine Delonghi, Design Authority

PrimaDonna Elite: The Symphony of Aesthetic & Taste by De’Longhi

The kitchen, often considered the heart of the home, is a place where aesthetics meet functionality. De’Longhi’s PrimaDonna Elite, a harmonious blend of elegance and innovation, transcends the boundaries of conventional kitchen appliances. The striking composition of bright and brushed stainless steel is a testament to artistic brilliance. The elegant curves…

Singapore Wine Vault 1, Design Authority

Beyond the Cellar: Innovative Wine Storage Solutions for Modern Connoisseurs

For the true connoisseur, the preservation of wine is more than a mere storage process; it’s an exquisite blend of art and science that shapes the very essence of every bottle. In this delicate balance, the finest attributes of a wine are allowed to flourish, maturing gracefully to unveil rich and complex flavours over time. The meticulous craft of wine preservation reflects…

Wells The One Water Purifier Dispenser, Design Authority

The Pinnacle of Luxury & Wellness by Wells Singapore

Water is an essential element of human life, and ensuring that we consume clean and safe drinking water is crucial for our overall health and well-being. A water purifier at home is a wise investment that can eliminate any doubt about the water’s quality and promote better health and convenience…
Marano Furniture Vienna, Design Authority

Imbue Your Home with 1890s Vienna Charm & Purposeful Elegance

Singapore’s Marano Furniture unveils two of its latest collections titled “Vienna” and “Lumi”, comprising 14 statement pieces inspired by the architecture of 1890s Vienna Secessionists and the elegant fusion of ethereal hues and futuristic designs to create home living spaces beyond…

Quintessential Statement Pieces To Elevate Your Space Provide Acoustic Comfort, Design Authority

Quintessential Statement Pieces to Elevate Your Space & Provide Acoustic Comfort

When the endless creativity of Italian design meets cutting-edge sound absorption technology, the result is the wondrous Snowsound acoustic panel collection, a product of inherent beauty and the highest quality in terms of acoustic performance, innovation, and sustainability. With the growing demands for acoustic comfort in society, Snowsound panels are intelligently crafted to…
An Amalgamation Of Allure Artisanal Spirit By JUNG, Design Authority

An Amalgamation of Allure & Artisanal Spirit by JUNG

Having the perfect statement piece isn’t enough for artists and creators. A part that does not add up or fit in will never be complete. JUNG designs stand the test of time, artistically in interiors and functionally in their construction, embodying the conviction that details maketh the difference. Interiors designed with sophisticated solutions for luxury living are thanks to a diverse selection of switch and socket design…

Altissimo Ptang Studio, Design Authority

Oasis of Serenity @ Altissimo by PTang Studio

When design coexists with its environment, the result is a stunning display of nature’s wonders that everyone can enjoy in leisure. Here, a harmonious design approach perfectly frames the breathtaking mountainscape, starting with low hedges that define the lake’s horizon, and an expanse of large windows in neutral tone metal frames that open up the stunning vista in full view…

Transforming A Nostalgic Peranakan Shophouse Into A Contemporary Home, Design Authority

Transforming a Nostalgic Peranakan Shophouse into a Contemporary Home

This 3,905 square foot residence is a nostalgic Peranakan conservation shophouse masterfully transformed from a narrow and poorly ventilated space with low ceilings into an expansive and airy contemporary abode that inspires positive energy and delight. The challenging eight-month revamp demanding inventive remodeling…

Elevate Your Spaces With The Creme De La Creme Of Designer Furnishings, Design Authority

Elevate Your Spaces with the Crème de la Crème of Designer Furnishings

With an abundance of choices in the market, finding the right furniture for your luxury home can be a tall order. Proof Living, a leading designer furniture hub in Singapore, sets out to simplify this process, by offering the crème de la crème of designer furnishings through an enriching and enjoyable shopping experience like no other…

Stylish Vibrant Multigenerational Home By Cube Associate Design, Design Authority

Stylish & Vibrant Multigenerational Home by Cube Associate Design

Originally a cramped two-story, three-bedroom abode, this spacious home at Dyson Road now boasts six bedrooms accommodating a six-person household comfortably. Cube Associate Design, the design firm responsible for this transformation, was able to create personal spaces that cater to the needs of each family member while allowing them to interact with each other. From the grandparents to the children…

Transparent Speakers, Design Authority

A Masterful Meld of Minimalism & Technology

Have you ever wondered what a masterful meld of minimalism and technology looks, sounds, and feels like? Transparent devices are fast becoming the latest design craze to take the tech world by storm. Hailed as both a technological marvel and a design dream come true, its striking aesthetic is both bold and understated. Paradoxical as that may sound, it is undoubtedly an accurate take on the design of…

NOOE Emotive Desk Setup, Design Authority

Inspiring Objects for Your Creative Sanctuary

Have you ever experienced the thrill of working on a passion project all night at your computer and found insurmountable depths of motivation you never thought was possible? This scenario seems both implausible and somewhat self-delusional. Yet the Config 01 ensemble by NOOE would evoke the undeniable urge to sit at one’s desk and start hustling. NOOE is an acronym for “Never Odd Or Even”… 
House Of Thirds Dperception Ritz, Design Authority

Harmonious & Timeless Sophistication with Rule of Thirds

Incorporating the client’s ultra-developed aesthetic sensibilities, which echo a timeless and sophisticated living space, the team at D’Perception Ritz has masterfully crafted a stunning bespoke space with harmonious, minimalistic aesthetics and functionalities following the Rule of Thirds, brilliantly showcasing substance within charming simplicity…

Wells The One Pastel Pink, Design Authority

Enjoy Refined Luxury & Wholesome Living with Wells “The One” Water Purifier

As far as water dispensers go, the precocious yet aptly named “The One” by Wells is by far the slimmest water purifier in existence. While the water purifier has cemented its place as highly favoured among Singaporean households, this latest model will have you swooning at the brand-new features and pastel colours. This recipe for success has been modified yet its winning features…
Strata House Scott Brownrigg, Design Authority

Innovative Architecture & Pragmatic Spaces for a Unique Family Home

The Strata House – a stunning private residence in one of the suburban landed housing precincts in Singapore. Guided by the owners’ aspirations Scott Brownrigg have designed a 468 sq m 3-storey semi-detached property that carefully responds to its suburban context and tropical climate, while providing the client with a unique family home…

Luxury Interior Design At Sennett Residences By YWA Studio 2, Design Authority

Holistic & Harmonious Interior Designs by Award-Winning Multi-Disciplinary Team

Well-known for their holistic approach to architecture, interior, user journey and spatial planning, award-winning firm YWA Studio has evolved into a multi-disciplinary industry expert that provides comprehensive design and build services to its valued clients. Beyond form and function, context is the key to creating a successful design, and the YWA team truly understands how…
Infinity Surfaces KStone, Design Authority

Achieving Excellence & Innovation in Design & Architecture with Infinity Surfaces

Enchantment encapsulated. These are the words that enter the forefront of your imagination when you see an Infinity surface. While natural stones are well-loved for their irrefutable timeless beauty, the versatile engineered stones are fast gaining popularity as the maintenance-free, luxurious, and sustainable complement that offer…
Daybreak Wallcovering Phillip Jeffries Fall 2022 Collection, Design Authority

Cascade: The Fabulous Nature-Inspired Fall Collection by Phillip Jeffries

Accent walls are great and all but pale in comparison to the opulence and convenience of wallpaper. Being stuck with a dated aesthetic is no one’s version of happy living. So say goodbye to tedious paint jobs and hello to wallcoverings that elevate your space. Phillip Jeffries’ fall collection entitled “Cascade” is…
Transcendental Cove Way Bungalow By DPerception Ritz, Design Authority

Transcendental Cove Way Bungalow by D’Perception Ritz Singapore

The wondrous Cove Way Bungalow project by D’Perception Ritz is a 15,800 square feet car collector’s home and a work of art with luxurious resort-style elements for a homely holiday retreat. This transcendental space is an impressive architectural and interior design feat that bagged the 2013 Singapore Design Award.
Frette Fall Winter 2022 Collection, Design Authority

An Ode to the Art of Living | Frette Fall/Winter 2022 Collection

Famed Italian luxury linen and lifestyle brand Frette presents its Fall/Winter 2022 collection as an ode to the Art of Living. Drawing inspiration from the notion of art as the greatest form of self-expression, the seasonal collection is a celebration of…
Marano Furniture Colours Of Peking, Design Authority

Homegrown Marano Furniture Launches Latest Luxury Collection – 京 Colours of Peking

In conjunction with Singapore Design Week, local luxury furniture brand Marano Furniture officially launches the first two of four instalments of their latest collection titled “京 Colours of Peking”. Drawing its design inspiration from two of the four characters, Jing, a prominent male…
Leedon Green Sales Gallery International Award Winning Design By PTANG STUDIO, Design Authority

Nature-Inspired Luxury Haven @ Leedon Green by PTang Studio

This award-winning design of Leedon Green sales gallery springs forth as an awe-inspiring architectural and interior masterpiece, fittingly situated in one of the most sought after addresses in Singapore, showcasing an amalgamation of tactile organic materials…
Refined Luxury @ Club Di Lusso By Mr Shopper Studio, Design Authority

Refined Luxury & Strategic Versatility @ Club Di Lusso by Mr Shopper Studio

Singapore is a little tropical paradise in Asia filled with a plethora of great food, entertainment and luxury experiences. To add to the list of must-try venues is the ever exclusive and oh so elusive “Club Di Lusso”. Whether you’re a local resident or a jet setting traveller who…

Celestial Beauty By PTANG STUDIO, Design Authority

Celestial Beauty @ IL PICCO House 15 by PTang Studio

The interior design of House 15 is a remarkable exhibit of the sense of balance and harmony which harkens back to the belief of humans being an integral part of nature, according to the teachings of Confucianism. Capturing this revered essence is a wonderful union…
Redefine Your Mindscape With MARANO, Design Authority

Turning Cherished Homes Into Fascinating Mindscapes

Look out, there is a new furniture brand in town and they’re taking the world by storm. MARANO Furniture is an aesthetic choice that “evokes your inner nobility”. We’re not sure if we can buy the notion that a sofa makes us feel like the maharaja our ancestor might have been…

More Inspirations

Ultra Low VOC Wood Based Materials By EGGER And CLEAF NORM Singapore, Design Authority

Build Your Stylish Dream Home the Safe & Sustainable Way with EGGER and CLEAF

Serenity – a highly desirable quality in our stressful lives that can be achieved with well-thought-out designs, masterful craftsmanship, and most importantly, the right materials.

Chic Signature Koi @ I12 By ArtDecor Design Studio, Design Authority

Chic Signature KOI @ i12 by ArtDecor Design Studio

Chill and cosy up at Koi @ i12! The chic interior is as delectable and satisfying as the premium Signature Koi. With clever styling, the modern elements are far away from your usual ho-hum, offering a lively…

A Boutique Inspired Modern Luxury Home By E%C2%B3.SPACE , Design Authority

A Boutique-Inspired Modern Luxury Home by E³.SPACE

Modular interior fittings have come a long way as improved manufacturing processes and materials make it possible to achieve premium-quality results. Today, let’s take a look at an impressive…

Modern Futuristic Office Design @ Treasure Orbit By ArtDecor Design Studio, Design Authority

Modern & Futuristic Office Design @ Treasure Orbit

The Treasure Orbit is as perfect and intriguing as it sounds. From the entryway, it immediately tantalizes you on what treasures the space has in store for you. You get a peek through a circular framed… 

Icon Of The East By Nic Wes Builders, Design Authority

The Ultra-Modern Icon of the East by Nic & Wes Builders

In this special home tour, we present to you a 15-year-old bungalow that has been masterfully transformed into a remarkable ultra-modern Lifestyle Home by Nic & Wes Builders.

Wells The One Water Purifier, Design Authority

Wells The One: A Water Purifier Unlike Any Other

When it comes to home and kitchen appliances, the water filtration system has changed countless lives across the globe. Yet its design has remained largely rudimentary. With that in mind, Wells has created…

Maestosa Fully Automated Coffee Machine By DeLonghi, Design Authority

Bask in Decadent Luxury with Maestosa Fully Automated Coffee Machine

In the world of caffeine, the Italian brand name DE’LONGHI is a titan with a reputation for luxury at its finest. The Italians gave the world espresso coffee culture, and now they give us the ultimate…

The Sound Of Tomorrow Devialet, Design Authority

Devialet – The Sound of Tomorrow (High-End Speakers & Audiophile Amplifiers)

Ever wondered what ‘The Sound of Tomorrow’ is like? The experts at Devialet might have the right answer – it must be truly immersive with zero distortion, zero saturation, and zero background…

Echo Elios In Azure White By Frette, Design Authority

Living in Lightness with Frette Spring Summer 2022 Collection

Say hello to Frette, an Italian brand that is about to become a mainstay in your personal lexicon of luxury brand names. Let’s save you the time: 5-star luxury hotels and ultra high net worth individuals…

Samsung BESPOKE Refrigerator, Design Authority

Joy-Sparking Samsung Innovations Your Home Deserves

When it comes to your home, investing in the most up-to-date technologies is crucial for the property’s overall aesthetic and functionality – and with this in mind, Samsung’s latest creations could be…

Villa Lambda By Mercurio Design Lab, Design Authority

Villa Lambda: The Fascinating Geometric “Starship” Inspired by Lamborghini

Pushing the limits of built technology and creating a state of tense equilibrium between dynamically opposed forms are two iconic concepts that Massimo Mercurio uses for his designs…

No 2 Sentosa Bungalow By Robert Greg Shand Architects, Design Authority

Timeless Sustainable Architecture for Contemporary Living

Known for his expansive and unique approach in bespoke architecture and sustainable designs, Greg Shand from Robert Greg Shand Architects has created yet another masterpiece in the highly…

Nic Wes Builders, Design Authority

The Empathetic Luxury Lifestyle Home Builder in Singapore

With over 20 years of experience in private residential construction, Nic & Wes Builders is a Design & Build firm that originated from the founders’ passion, which became their…

Modern Chic X Art Deco Interior Design By Mr Shopper Studio, Design Authority

Modern Chic with Ritzy Art Deco Vibe by Mr Shopper Studio

The ceiling flutings make way through the living area defining the space and providing visual interest. For the hall configuration, the design opts for low-profiled furniture with sweep edges…

Luxury Gift Guide Frette, Design Authority

Impress Your Friends & Loved Ones This Festive Season with Frette

Recently, a swanky 65 square-metre space at MBS became home to the iconic Italian luxury lifestyle brand, Frette. With 160 years worth of heritage and craftsmanship lining the beds and dining rooms…

Scandi X Mid Century Modern Interior Design By Archluxe, Design Authority

Brilliant Meld of Scandi & Mid-Century Modern by Archluxe

This modern living space brings you a foray of organic textures we love about the Scandinavian with hints of the Mid-Century style in a contemporary configuration. This living room…

Asiatic Contemporary By Nic Wes Builders Singapore, Design Authority

Asiatic Contemporary Lifestyle Home by Nic & Wes Builders

The professionals at Nic & Wes Builders continue to amaze us with their view on what contemporary housing can look like. In this quick house tour, we present to you a very interesting example of how…

Royal%20Taj%20restaurant%20interior%20design, Design Authority

Ethereal & Exquisite Royal Taj Restaurant @ Sentosa Island in Singapore

The Royal Taj @ Sentosa’s interior is as exquisite as its food that offers mesmerizing combinations of ethereal lighting, gorgeous patterned textures and a striking combination…

Luxury Modern Home Design, Design Authority

Brilliant Modern Interior Design Ideas for Luxury Homes

From tinsel towns to island getaways, there’s no shortage of modern house designs that exude the ultimate luxury and comfort in style. But along the allure and awe of such stunning spaces…

Archluxe Interior Design Miltonia, Design Authority

Organic x Futuristic Interior Design @ Miltonia

As you enter, a visually stunning living room welcomes you with its organic shapes and earthy tones with an interesting asymmetrical configuration. The lavish design starts with…

Landed%20home%20design%20by%20ArtDecor%20Design%20Studio, Design Authority

Heart-Warming Luxurious Landed House by ArtDecor Design Studio

You’ll feel a sense of warmth and calm as you enter this spacious living room where well-balanced elements and clean architecture make up the gorgeous interior…

Archluxe Interior Design Stars Of Kovan, Design Authority

Grandeur Galore @ Stars of Kovan Condominium

Grandeur galore! This living and dining interior boasts exquisite taste where a range of patterns and textures are harmoniously put together. Creating a cohesive design that’s highly texturized…

Frette Luxury Bedding 1, Design Authority

Frette Launches Coveted Limited Edition in Bloom Collection

Frette launches a limited edition In Bloom Collection, a luxurious set that includes a duvet cover, bottom sheet, and four decorative pillow cases made of a soft and silky blend of viscose silk jacquard…

Biophilic Interior Design By ArtDecor Design Studio, Design Authority

Biophilic Interior Design @ Infar International

The Infar International Universal Vision office interior embodies the modern workplace of today where relevant elements like biophilic design, flexibility and excitement…

Balinese Elegance By Nic Wes Builders, Design Authority

Balinese Elegance in Singapore by Nic & Wes Builders

At first, you might think that we have arrived at a luxurious holiday destination in the heart of Bali, but the truth is, we’ve never even left Singapore. This remarkable house creates an intimate retreat…

Landed House Dining Room By Divine N Dynamic, Design Authority

Heavenly Design & Build Landed House Project @ Serangoon Garden Way

There is something heavenly about this gorgeous home with its ethereal lights, interesting architectural forms and showcase of natural textures. As it is beyond…

Scandi X Mid Century Interior Design, Design Authority

Home Renovation Ideas & Interior Design Tips – An Evergreen Guide

In this guide, you’ll find many practical tips that’ll help you to plan your home renovation and choose your design options properly to avoid unnecessary frustrations…

Bluescope Futuristic Interior Design By ArtDecor Design Studio, Design Authority

BlueScope: Innovation, Strength & Commitment to Sustainability

Seeing and experiencing the product firsthand makes a showroom an important marketing strategy, and BlueScope has utilized it perfectly. A roofing material coming in waves!

Legacy Townhouse Design By Gavinho, Design Authority

Inspiring Sophisticated Legacy Condominium Design by Gavinho

Legacy by Gavinho Architecture and Interiors transcends luxury design on a whole new level with its remarkable use of materials, stunning illumination, and…

Penthouse In Palm Jumeirah 1, Design Authority

3 Visually Captivating Penthouses That’ll Blow Your Mind

Penthouses are meant to be quintessential of high living (literally), taking advantage of the views and incorporating the plays of light and architectural illumination…

Glamorous%20Alfords%20Point%20House, Design Authority

Home Tour: The Glamourous Alfords Point House

A powerful symbol of Hollywood Glam style, this five-bedroom new-build emerges straight out of luxe and glamour. The design brief by the homeowners clearly stated a clean…

Classy%20Signature%20KOI%20interior%20design, Design Authority

Classy Signature KOI Interior Design by ArtDecor Design Studio

This KOI cafe is a shift from the usual kiosks where the beloved tea brand takes the experience of the flavorful concoction to a whole new level with a heart-warming and unforgettable ambience…