Cross Studio

Cross Studio is an interior design atelier celebrated for transforming living spaces into poetic expressions of beauty, comfort, and connection. At the heart of their design philosophy is a profound respect for the delicate balance between form and function, where every element serves a purpose and tells a story. With an innate understanding of how light, texture, and space can shape the human experience, Cross Studio creates homes that are as timeless as they are transformative.

Driven by a commitment to authenticity, the studio’s work is characterized by a seamless dialogue between natural elements and refined details. Their designs invite the outside in, allowing light and air to flow freely and enhance every corner. Every room is thoughtfully crafted to evoke calm, inspire creativity, and foster moments of togetherness.

What sets Cross Studio apart is their dedication to designing spaces that reflect the unique rhythms and aspirations of those who dwell within them. Their approach goes beyond aesthetics—it’s about curating environments that feel deeply personal yet universally inviting. Whether it’s through bespoke materials, tailored layouts, or artisanal craftsmanship, each space is a manifestation of intention and care.

Cross Studio’s meticulous attention to detail and unwavering pursuit of excellence ensure that every project is an elevated experience. They believe that true luxury lies in the harmonious blend of beauty and purpose, where homes become sanctuaries that nurture the spirit and stand the test of time. By prioritizing authenticity, innovation, and connection, Cross Studio redefines what it means to create a home—a place where life unfolds with grace and meaning.

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River Valley

Project Description

In the ever-evolving realm of interior design, Cross Studio’s latest project in a sprawling apartment at River Valley stands as a testament to how thoughtfully designed spaces can transform everyday living into an art form. Nestled in a serene corner of the city, this residence is not just a home; it’s a sanctuary crafted with meticulous attention to the dance between form and function, between the modern and the timeless.

The genesis of this design was inspired by the apartment’s unique architectural elements—two expansive balconies that anchor the living space with their breezy openness and panoramic views. These features became the heart of Cross Studio’s vision, guiding the design to embrace the fluidity between indoor and outdoor living. The objective was clear: to create a home that felt like an extension of the natural world outside, a place where light and air are as much a part of the interior palette as the furniture that adorns it.

This vision to seamlessly blend the external environment with the home’s interior ambiance resulted in a design that beautifully balances inspiration with functionality. Spaces were intentionally crafted to encourage family gatherings, fostering connection in an environment that feels both safe and inspiring.

With young children in the household, the studio prioritized layouts and materials that nurture growth and well-being. Natural elements were thoughtfully chosen not just for their aesthetic warmth and calming presence but for their enduring durability, ensuring the home remains both practical and inviting over time. By merging timeless style with family-friendly functionality, the design becomes a haven where lasting memories can be created and cherished.

Interior Design
Cross Studio Pte Ltd

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Cross Studio Valley Park 13, Design Authority
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Valley Park

Project Description

In the historic corridors of Valley Park, Cross Studio has masterfully redefined a space where tradition meets contemporary elegance, setting a new standard in residential design. The project, nestled within a 1997-built unit, embraced its original marble floors, rich with the patina of time, as the cornerstone of a narrative that skillfully intertwines old-world charm with modern sophistication.

At the outset, the design team faced the challenge of honoring the unit’s classic marble flooring while integrating modern design elements. This juxtaposition of old and new became the project’s defining dialogue, achieved through a strategic blend of contemporary fixtures, eclectic collector pieces, and bespoke furniture, all carefully curated to maintain the space’s dynamic, lived-in aesthetic. This approach not only preserved the essence of the original design but also enhanced it, creating a vibrant, functional environment conducive to both private moments and social gatherings.

One significant challenge was the original dining and kitchen layout, which was confined and lacked fluidity. Cross Studio’s solution reimagined the spatial flow with strategic architectural adjustments, such as connecting shelving that bridged these spaces, enhancing openness and interaction. This not only solved the practical issue of spatial division but also transformed the area into a cohesive, inviting whole.

Signature elements of Cross Studio’s design philosophy are evident throughout the space. Clean lines and a focused emphasis on lighting design not only tidy the visuals but also elevate the atmosphere. Strategic demarcations define the flow and functionality of each area, ensuring that while spaces are connected, they also retain distinct identities. This meticulous attention to detail reflects the studio’s commitment to creating timeless spaces that balance aesthetic appeal with practical functionality.

Interior Design
Cross Studio Pte Ltd