Harmonizing Heritage with Modernity at Mt. Faber

Erstudio Mount Faber Road 7, Design Authority

Mount Faber, ensconced in the verdant heart of Singapore, boasts breathtaking city vistas that form the perfect canvas for a 2,000-square-foot resale condominium designed by erstudio. Tailored for a family of four and their helper, the residence is a masterful interplay of heritage and modernity. Here, timeless design elements merge seamlessly with contemporary aesthetics, creating a sanctuary that is as serene as it is functional, perfectly attuned to the vibrant rhythms of its locale.

Erstudio Mount Faber Road 8, Design Authority

The centerpiece of the living space is an exclusively curated vintage door, a striking testament to the family’s profound appreciation for heritage and the art of repurposing. This door, a central decorative feature, dictates the overall design ethos of the home, infusing it with character and historical narrative. The creative genesis of this project stemmed from our clients’ enchantment with this antique door; they envisioned their home to resonate with the door’s unique aesthetic. Following extensive discussions, the designer decided to frame this revered piece within a modern Scandinavian design scheme, marked by clean lines and a neutral white palette enriched with wooden accents. This approach highlights the door’s rustic charm while integrating it into a contemporary context, creating a vivid contrast that bridges the gap between the old and the new, and setting a tone of timeless elegance throughout the home.

Erstudio Mount Faber Road 6, Design Authority

The most significant challenge in this project stemmed from the clients’ well-traveled backgrounds and their sophisticated expectations of interior design. Accustomed to a diverse array of global design influences, the clients brought with them refined visions that required meticulous adaptation to local design sensibilities. The resolution came through an iterative design process, involving multiple discussions, each refining the clients’ vision into a coherent whole that balanced their expectations with practical living requirements. This collaborative approach ensured that the final design not only met but exceeded the expectations of these worldly clients.

Erstudio Mount Faber Road 2, Design Authority

The selection of micro-cement flooring throughout the living area amplifies the condominium’s contemporary aesthetic. Celebrated for its resilience and low maintenance, micro-cement provides a polished, industrial look that beautifully offsets the rustic charm of the vintage door and complements other wooden features within the space. This flooring choice enhances the openness of the area, creating a welcoming environment that remains functional for everyday family interactions.

Erstudio Mount Faber Road 27, Design Authority

As one transitions to the upper levels, the flooring shifts to engineered wood, introducing an element of warmth and tactile comfort to the private spaces. Esteemed for both its visual appeal and functional advantages—such as resistance to Singapore’s humid climate—engineered wood infuses the bedrooms and stairways with a sense of homeliness. This material not only enriches the aesthetic but also fosters inviting spaces that beckon for relaxation and quietude, making them perfect sanctuaries for unwinding.

Erstudio Mount Faber Road 30, Design Authority

In this home, erstudio’s design philosophy shines through the strategic employment of minimal cabinetry, a deliberate choice that maximizes space and underscores the architectural grace of the residence. This approach cultivates a clutter-free environment, allowing the space’s architectural and design elements to emerge prominently, each storage solution melding functionality with aesthetic finesse without compromise.

Erstudio Mount Faber Road 39, Design Authority

One of the standout features is the master bathroom, transformed into a luxurious retreat complete with a private sauna. This spa-like sanctuary is thoughtfully designed to provide daily relaxation and rejuvenation, supporting a lifestyle that values well-being, self-care, and aesthetics equally. The bathroom features sleek, modern fixtures that harmonize seamlessly with the clean, precise lines that flow throughout the home, creating a cohesive design narrative that speaks effortlessly to both form and function.

The development of this project was a dynamic collaboration between erstudio and the clients, involving extensive discussions and rich visual presentations that ensured the clients’ vision was impeccably realized. This partnership underscored the transformative power of interior design to not only meet but exceed the expectations of discerning homeowners.

Erstudio Mount Faber Road 35, Design Authority

This Mount Faber condo is not just a residence; it’s a testament to the evolving dynamics of interior design, where the integration of eclectic styles, influenced by global travel and cultural immersion, forecasts the future trends of the industry. The project epitomizes a blend of heritage with contemporary design, minimal yet functional aesthetics, and an unwavering commitment to client collaboration, establishing erstudio as a paragon of innovative, client-centered interior design. This condominium stands as a profound statement on how thoughtfully designed spaces can significantly enhance the interactions and lifestyles of its inhabitants, crafting unique and personalized living environments that resonate deeply with both their aesthetic and functional aspirations.

Explore the possibilities for your home with erstudio

Erstudio Mount Faber Road 1, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 2, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 3, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 4, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 5, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 6, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 7, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 8, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 9, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 10, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 11, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 12, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 13, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 14, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 15, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 16, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 17, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 18, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 19, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 20, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 21, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 22, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 23, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 24, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 25, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 26, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 27, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 28, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 29, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 30, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 31, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 32, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 33, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 34, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 35, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 36, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 37, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 38, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 39, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 40, Design Authority
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Erstudio Mount Faber Road 1, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 2, Design Authority
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Erstudio Mount Faber Road 4, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 5, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 6, Design Authority
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Erstudio Mount Faber Road 8, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 9, Design Authority
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Erstudio Mount Faber Road 11, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 12, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 13, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 14, Design Authority
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Erstudio Mount Faber Road 17, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 18, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 19, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 20, Design Authority
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Erstudio Mount Faber Road 24, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 25, Design Authority
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Erstudio Mount Faber Road 27, Design Authority
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Erstudio Mount Faber Road 29, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 30, Design Authority
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Erstudio Mount Faber Road 33, Design Authority
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Erstudio Mount Faber Road 35, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 36, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 37, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 38, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 39, Design Authority
Erstudio Mount Faber Road 40, Design Authority
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