Le Interior Affairs

Le Interior Affairs crafts spaces that transcend the ordinary, embodying a spirit of daring creativity and boundless exploration. Each project is a bold adventure, where open minds and restless passion push boundaries beyond the conventional. With each new challenge, their journey enriches, igniting fierce inspirations that transform mere spaces into profound experiences.

Established on unyielding discipline and core principles, Le Interior Affairs nurtures enduring relationships with homeowners, ensuring every collaboration is not just a project, but a partnership forged in innovation and mutual growth. They are not just designers; they are trendsetters, constantly donning their thinking caps to deliver swiftly and surpass expectations. Embracing novel ideas once deemed unimaginable, they synergize with homeowners to craft not just houses, but homes—where what is felt is as important as what is seen.

Home, for Le Interior Affairs, is not a place; it is the profound feeling of where one truly belongs.

Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 1, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 2, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 3, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 4, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 5, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 6, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 7, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 8, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 9, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 10, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 11, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 12, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 13, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 14, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 1
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 2
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 3
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 4
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 5
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 6
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 7
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 8
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 9
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 10
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 11
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 12
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 13
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 14
Svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyB3aWR0aD0iMzIiIGhlaWdodD0iMzIiIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCAzMiAzMiIgeG1sbnM9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzIwMDAvc3ZnIj4KICAgIDxwYXRoIGQ9Ik0xMS40MzMgMTUuOTkyTDIyLjY5IDUuNzEyYy4zOTMtLjM5LjM5My0xLjAzIDAtMS40Mi0uMzkzLS4zOS0xLjAzLS4zOS0xLjQyMyAwbC0xMS45OCAxMC45NGMtLjIxLjIxLS4zLjQ5LS4yODUuNzYtLjAxNS4yOC4wNzUuNTYuMjg0Ljc3bDExLjk4IDEwLjk0Yy4zOTMuMzkgMS4wMy4zOSAxLjQyNCAwIC4zOTMtLjQuMzkzLTEuMDMgMC0xLjQybC0xMS4yNTctMTAuMjkiCiAgICAgICAgICBmaWxsPSIjZmZmZmZmIiBvcGFjaXR5PSIwLjgiIGZpbGwtcnVsZT0iZXZlbm9kZCIvPgo8L3N2Zz4=, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 1, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 2, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 3, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 4, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 5, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 6, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 7, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 8, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 9, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 10, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 11, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 12, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 13, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jiak Kim Apartment 14, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority

Jiak Kim Street

Project Description

In the vibrant heart of the city, the dynamic team at Le Interior Affairs has unveiled a paradigm of modern living with their latest project at Jiak Kim Street. This venture embarks on a sophisticated journey that seamlessly merges aesthetic elegance with pragmatic design, serving as a brilliant testament to how contemporary style can enhance everyday practicality. With an eye for detail and a commitment to functionality, this project stands as a beacon of innovation in the urban landscape, transforming ordinary spaces into extraordinary living environments that resonate deeply with the rhythms of city life.

Signature elements of the design, such as strategically placed grooves and meticulously thought-out lighting solutions, introduce a layer of sophistication and create a seamless continuity throughout the space. These design choices epitomize Le Interior Affairs’ design philosophy that the true essence of beauty in design resides in the attention to detail. Here, functionality not only complements but enhances form, embedding each space with both purpose and aesthetic allure, reflecting a deep understanding that the finest designs emerge from a perfect balance of practicality and visual appeal.

The selection of materials and colors was meticulously orchestrated to cultivate a sense of tranquility and enduring style within the apartment. A neutral color palette was chosen with the intent to harness and maximize the diffusion of natural light throughout the spaces, thereby amplifying the apartment’s open and airy ambiance. This thoughtful approach not only enhances spatial perception but also complements the minimalist design ethos.

Explore this project further

Interior Design
Le Interior Affairs Pte Ltd

Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 1, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 2, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 3, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 4, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 5, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 6, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 7, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 8, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 9, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 10, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 11, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 12, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 13, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 14, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 1
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 2
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 3
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 4
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 5
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 6
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 7
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 8
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 9
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 10
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 11
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 12
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 13
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 14
Svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyB3aWR0aD0iMzIiIGhlaWdodD0iMzIiIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCAzMiAzMiIgeG1sbnM9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzIwMDAvc3ZnIj4KICAgIDxwYXRoIGQ9Ik0xMS40MzMgMTUuOTkyTDIyLjY5IDUuNzEyYy4zOTMtLjM5LjM5My0xLjAzIDAtMS40Mi0uMzkzLS4zOS0xLjAzLS4zOS0xLjQyMyAwbC0xMS45OCAxMC45NGMtLjIxLjIxLS4zLjQ5LS4yODUuNzYtLjAxNS4yOC4wNzUuNTYuMjg0Ljc3bDExLjk4IDEwLjk0Yy4zOTMuMzkgMS4wMy4zOSAxLjQyNCAwIC4zOTMtLjQuMzkzLTEuMDMgMC0xLjQybC0xMS4yNTctMTAuMjkiCiAgICAgICAgICBmaWxsPSIjZmZmZmZmIiBvcGFjaXR5PSIwLjgiIGZpbGwtcnVsZT0iZXZlbm9kZCIvPgo8L3N2Zz4=, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyB3aWR0aD0iMzIiIGhlaWdodD0iMzIiIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCAzMiAzMiIgeG1sbnM9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzIwMDAvc3ZnIj4KICAgIDxwYXRoIGQ9Ik0xMC43MjIgNC4yOTNjLS4zOTQtLjM5LTEuMDMyLS4zOS0xLjQyNyAwLS4zOTMuMzktLjM5MyAxLjAzIDAgMS40MmwxMS4yODMgMTAuMjgtMTEuMjgzIDEwLjI5Yy0uMzkzLjM5LS4zOTMgMS4wMiAwIDEuNDIuMzk1LjM5IDEuMDMzLjM5IDEuNDI3IDBsMTIuMDA3LTEwLjk0Yy4yMS0uMjEuMy0uNDkuMjg0LS43Ny4wMTQtLjI3LS4wNzYtLjU1LS4yODYtLjc2TDEwLjcyIDQuMjkzeiIKICAgICAgICAgIGZpbGw9IiNmZmZmZmYiIG9wYWNpdHk9IjAuOCIgZmlsbC1ydWxlPSJldmVub2RkIi8+Cjwvc3ZnPg==, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 1, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 2, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 3, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 4, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 5, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 6, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 7, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 8, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 9, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 10, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 11, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 12, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 13, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Potong Pasir Apartment 14, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority

Potong Pasir

Interior Design
Le Interior Affairs Pte Ltd

Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 18, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 16, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 17, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 15, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 1, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 6, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 8, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 9, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 5, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 7, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 12, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 13, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 2, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 3, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 10, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 11, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 4, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 18
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 16
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 17
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 15
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 1
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 6
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 8
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 9
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 5
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 7
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 12
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 13
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 2
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 3
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 10
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 11
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 4
Svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyB3aWR0aD0iMzIiIGhlaWdodD0iMzIiIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCAzMiAzMiIgeG1sbnM9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzIwMDAvc3ZnIj4KICAgIDxwYXRoIGQ9Ik0xMS40MzMgMTUuOTkyTDIyLjY5IDUuNzEyYy4zOTMtLjM5LjM5My0xLjAzIDAtMS40Mi0uMzkzLS4zOS0xLjAzLS4zOS0xLjQyMyAwbC0xMS45OCAxMC45NGMtLjIxLjIxLS4zLjQ5LS4yODUuNzYtLjAxNS4yOC4wNzUuNTYuMjg0Ljc3bDExLjk4IDEwLjk0Yy4zOTMuMzkgMS4wMy4zOSAxLjQyNCAwIC4zOTMtLjQuMzkzLTEuMDMgMC0xLjQybC0xMS4yNTctMTAuMjkiCiAgICAgICAgICBmaWxsPSIjZmZmZmZmIiBvcGFjaXR5PSIwLjgiIGZpbGwtcnVsZT0iZXZlbm9kZCIvPgo8L3N2Zz4=, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 18, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 16, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 17, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 15, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 1, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 6, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 8, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 9, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 5, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 7, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 12, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 13, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 2, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 3, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 10, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 11, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Cantonment Apartment 4, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority

Cantonment Road

Interior Design
Le Interior Affairs Pte Ltd

Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 1, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 2, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 3, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 4, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 5, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 6, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 7, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 8, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 9, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 10, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 11, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 12, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 13, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 14, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 15, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 16, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 17, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 18, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 19, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 20, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 21, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 22, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 23, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 24, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 25, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 26, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 27, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 28, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 29, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 30, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 31, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 32, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 33, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 34, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 35, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 36, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 1
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 2
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 3
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 4
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 5
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 6
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 7
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 8
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 9
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 10
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 11
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 12
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 13
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 14
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 15
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 16
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 17
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 18
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 19
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 20
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 21
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 22
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 23
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 24
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 25
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 26
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 27
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 28
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 29
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 30
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 31
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 32
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 33
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 34
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 35
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 36
Svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyB3aWR0aD0iMzIiIGhlaWdodD0iMzIiIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCAzMiAzMiIgeG1sbnM9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzIwMDAvc3ZnIj4KICAgIDxwYXRoIGQ9Ik0xMS40MzMgMTUuOTkyTDIyLjY5IDUuNzEyYy4zOTMtLjM5LjM5My0xLjAzIDAtMS40Mi0uMzkzLS4zOS0xLjAzLS4zOS0xLjQyMyAwbC0xMS45OCAxMC45NGMtLjIxLjIxLS4zLjQ5LS4yODUuNzYtLjAxNS4yOC4wNzUuNTYuMjg0Ljc3bDExLjk4IDEwLjk0Yy4zOTMuMzkgMS4wMy4zOSAxLjQyNCAwIC4zOTMtLjQuMzkzLTEuMDMgMC0xLjQybC0xMS4yNTctMTAuMjkiCiAgICAgICAgICBmaWxsPSIjZmZmZmZmIiBvcGFjaXR5PSIwLjgiIGZpbGwtcnVsZT0iZXZlbm9kZCIvPgo8L3N2Zz4=, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 1, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 2, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 3, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 4, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 5, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 6, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 7, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 8, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 9, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 10, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 11, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 12, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 13, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 14, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 15, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 16, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 17, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 18, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 19, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 20, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 21, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 22, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 23, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 24, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 25, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 26, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 27, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 28, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 29, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 30, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 31, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 32, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 33, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 34, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 35, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Jalan Rumah Tinggi 36, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority

Jalan Rumah Tinggi

Interior Design
Le Interior Affairs Pte Ltd

Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 8, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 9, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 7, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 10, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 18, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 17, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 6, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 11, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 12, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 25, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 26, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 24, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 28, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 27, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 13, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 1, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 2, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 3, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 4, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 5, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 14, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 16, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 19, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 20, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 21, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 22, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 23, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 15, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 8
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 9
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 7
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 10
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 18
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 17
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 6
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 11
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 12
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 25
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 26
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 24
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 28
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 27
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 13
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 1
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 2
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 3
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 4
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 5
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 14
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 16
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 19
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 20
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 21
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 22
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 23
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 15
Svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyB3aWR0aD0iMzIiIGhlaWdodD0iMzIiIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCAzMiAzMiIgeG1sbnM9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzIwMDAvc3ZnIj4KICAgIDxwYXRoIGQ9Ik0xMS40MzMgMTUuOTkyTDIyLjY5IDUuNzEyYy4zOTMtLjM5LjM5My0xLjAzIDAtMS40Mi0uMzkzLS4zOS0xLjAzLS4zOS0xLjQyMyAwbC0xMS45OCAxMC45NGMtLjIxLjIxLS4zLjQ5LS4yODUuNzYtLjAxNS4yOC4wNzUuNTYuMjg0Ljc3bDExLjk4IDEwLjk0Yy4zOTMuMzkgMS4wMy4zOSAxLjQyNCAwIC4zOTMtLjQuMzkzLTEuMDMgMC0xLjQybC0xMS4yNTctMTAuMjkiCiAgICAgICAgICBmaWxsPSIjZmZmZmZmIiBvcGFjaXR5PSIwLjgiIGZpbGwtcnVsZT0iZXZlbm9kZCIvPgo8L3N2Zz4=, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 8, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 9, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 7, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 10, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 18, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 17, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 6, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 11, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 12, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 25, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 26, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 24, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 28, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 27, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 13, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 1, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 2, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 3, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 4, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 5, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 14, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 16, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 19, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 20, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 21, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 22, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 23, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Hillview Ave 15, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority

Hillview Ave

Interior Design
Le Interior Affairs Pte Ltd

Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 1, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 2, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 3, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 4, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 5, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 6, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 7, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 8, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 9, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 10, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 11, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 12, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 13, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 14, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 15, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 16, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 17, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 18, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 19, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 20, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 21, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 22, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 23, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 24, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 25, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 26, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 27, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 28, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 29, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 30, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 31, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 32, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 33, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 34, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 35, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 36, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 37, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 1
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 2
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 3
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 4
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 5
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 6
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 7
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 8
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 9
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 10
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 11
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 12
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 13
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 14
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 15
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 16
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 17
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 18
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 19
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 20
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 21
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 22
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 23
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 24
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 25
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 26
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 27
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 28
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 29
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 30
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 31
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 32
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 33
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 34
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 35
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 36
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 37
Svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyB3aWR0aD0iMzIiIGhlaWdodD0iMzIiIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCAzMiAzMiIgeG1sbnM9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzIwMDAvc3ZnIj4KICAgIDxwYXRoIGQ9Ik0xMS40MzMgMTUuOTkyTDIyLjY5IDUuNzEyYy4zOTMtLjM5LjM5My0xLjAzIDAtMS40Mi0uMzkzLS4zOS0xLjAzLS4zOS0xLjQyMyAwbC0xMS45OCAxMC45NGMtLjIxLjIxLS4zLjQ5LS4yODUuNzYtLjAxNS4yOC4wNzUuNTYuMjg0Ljc3bDExLjk4IDEwLjk0Yy4zOTMuMzkgMS4wMy4zOSAxLjQyNCAwIC4zOTMtLjQuMzkzLTEuMDMgMC0xLjQybC0xMS4yNTctMTAuMjkiCiAgICAgICAgICBmaWxsPSIjZmZmZmZmIiBvcGFjaXR5PSIwLjgiIGZpbGwtcnVsZT0iZXZlbm9kZCIvPgo8L3N2Zz4=, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 1, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 2, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 3, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 4, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 5, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 6, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 7, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 8, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 9, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 10, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 11, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 12, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 13, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 14, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 15, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 16, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 17, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 18, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 19, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 20, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 21, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 22, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 23, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 24, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 25, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 26, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 27, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 28, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 29, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 30, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 31, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 32, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 33, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 34, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 35, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 36, Design Authority
Le Interior Affairs Sumang Lane Apartment 37, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority
Svg+xml;base64,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, Design Authority

Sumang Lane

Interior Design
Le Interior Affairs Pte Ltd